The appalling condition of the house
cannot be
One of the first
purchases of the Association was $3.25 for nails and boards to nail up
house. There
was little money, and much
work to be done. By June 2, 1945 , the first
public function was
held when the Daughters of the American Revolution gathered for a
luncheon. In
October of 1945, electricity
was restored .
In August of 1949, the first of the
Mellette possessions
arrived. Two oil
paintings done by
Maggie Mellette - one of herself as a young woman and one of the four
sons - were sent by the two living sons, Charles and Anton.
In 1953, after the death of Maggie
Mellette and Anton, two
Mellette Memorial Association members traveled to Pittsburg, Kansas to view furniture,
silver, documents,
photographs and other Mellette family items that had at one time been
in the
Mellette House and arrange for their shipment to Watertown.
The restoration work has been ongoing and
never ending.